Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Its a new dawn, Its a new day, Its a new life, for me." Well, my beloved fellow travelers on this road to happy destiny. I am about to embark on a new wonderful journey towards health and happiness.

Its called gastric bypass surgery. Yes I'm doing it in one week and one day. I have done all the diets countless times. So this is what I have chosen to do next. I have taken all the classes, Per Kaiser protocol. Passed all the tests and the day is finally almost here.

I have been preparing for the surgery but I dont have much energy to get things done around the house. It will be a mad rush to get all my ducks in a row before my time of convalescence and recovery.

I hope all of you are still pursuing your happiest self in the form of Radiant Health. I am with you in spirit and will continue this blog for the support of people not only on optifast but also for the bypass surgery. I am confident that all will be well and that my life and yours will flourish and prosper in all of our pursuits. Renewed Hope, Joy and Abundance in all that is good, is at hand. ~ Peace, Denise

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