Grounding Meditation:
- Play Soft Music
- Sit in a chair with feet on the floor
- Breathe
- Visualize roots coming out of your feet like a tree roots, going down into the earth about 10 feet and spreading out all over.
- Now imagine all stress/worry/pain pouring out of your body like brown liquid, down through the roots into the earth, to be cleansed and transmuted into golden/white light, returning to its source as healing.
- Breathe and Thank mother earth for her ability to change negative into positive energy.
- This meditation can take from 10 to 20 minutes. Relax and drink water.
Huntington Gardens Walking Meditation:
- If you cant actually go there click on the picture and go there in your mind
- Do deep breathing exercises
- Walk
- Notice details about the trees, bark, grass, flowers, plants, butterflies, tiny bugs
- Listen to nature, birds, buzzing dragon fly, the trickle of water
- Smell the dirt, flowers, plants
- Breathe, stop from time to time to look at the clouds
- Allow your surroundings (nature) to fill you with its "Life force energy"
- Find a beautiful tree (ALL trees are beautiful), at HG I highly recommend finding the GENKGO TREE, lean on it, hug it or just touch it, the Ginkgo tree is considered a "living fossil" because it was extinct and reappeared thousands of years later. The Genkgo tree is still considered in danger of extinction. Note: when I touch this tree I feel a very strong "buzzing" feeling in my hands and arms and body if I stay long enough. IF you are energy sensitive you will feel it too, if not then you will just have to take my word. Just know that this is a very good and healing energy as is all nature energy.
- Finish your walk, notice the bottoms of your feet as they take each step
- This meditation can take 20 minutes to 4 hours. Relax and drink water.
If you walk along the beach, notice the dolphins come in close to shore for "feeding" from between 5pm to about 7pm... More on beach meditation next week ....
I will post my beach walk meditation when Im in a better mind set. Right now Im having alot of trouble with cheating. I need to get a grip here. I dont want to give up! I have to do this! I have to! There is no GIVING UP, its not an option. I have to work on my own meditations for now.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Just wondewring how you ended up going on optifast, and if the ceasation of your blog is indiciative of the program?
Im starting optifast tomorrow 30/4/2011 over at if there is anyone out there who would like to pop over for support motivation =)
Friday, April 29, 2011
This post has been removed by the author.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Hello Andinanotherlife!
Yes the cessation of my blog is because I stopped the optifast. I was not successful. But now Im going to have the gastric bypass surgery in One Week!! I will be using optifast again for about a month after the surgery. Good luck to you in all that you do. I will continue on this path until I get it right. I want to be a normal weight and active again so I will continue to do all I can. I may transform this blog to include both optifast and bypass items. Love & Peace to you always, Denise
Sunday, May 15, 2011