Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day 7 - See ya soon

Hello fellow optifasters,
Its day 7 for my class and I'm sure that many of them are feeling like I am today.... somewhat better!
The first 2 days were the most difficult for me. But every day it got much easier. I have moments, I call them waves of wanting to eat, but it passes quickly.
I have a good support group of 3 people. I didn't tell everyone that I was doing this. I just wanted to get started and get going and I feel I am well on my way now. ...... Well.... its 4:30 pm Thurs. I'm on a 15min break from work. I will see you all very soon tonight at the class.... good luck on your weigh in. Please add your thoughts and ideas by clicking on the "comments" link below this post. Thanks.
Peace and blessings, Denise

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