Thursday, May 19, 2011


"Feeling Good"

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
blossom in the trees you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Feeling Good ~ Nina Simone

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Its a new dawn, Its a new day, Its a new life, for me." Well, my beloved fellow travelers on this road to happy destiny. I am about to embark on a new wonderful journey towards health and happiness.

Its called gastric bypass surgery. Yes I'm doing it in one week and one day. I have done all the diets countless times. So this is what I have chosen to do next. I have taken all the classes, Per Kaiser protocol. Passed all the tests and the day is finally almost here.

I have been preparing for the surgery but I dont have much energy to get things done around the house. It will be a mad rush to get all my ducks in a row before my time of convalescence and recovery.

I hope all of you are still pursuing your happiest self in the form of Radiant Health. I am with you in spirit and will continue this blog for the support of people not only on optifast but also for the bypass surgery. I am confident that all will be well and that my life and yours will flourish and prosper in all of our pursuits. Renewed Hope, Joy and Abundance in all that is good, is at hand. ~ Peace, Denise

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Tips for beginners...

Grounding Meditation:
  1. Play Soft Music

  2. Sit in a chair with feet on the floor

  3. Breathe
  4. Visualize roots coming out of your feet like a tree roots, going down into the earth about 10 feet and spreading out all over.

  5. Now imagine all stress/worry/pain pouring out of your body like brown liquid, down through the roots into the earth, to be cleansed and transmuted into golden/white light, returning to its source as healing.
  6. Breathe and Thank mother earth for her ability to change negative into positive energy.
  7. This meditation can take from 10 to 20 minutes. Relax and drink water.

Huntington Gardens Walking Meditation:

  1. If you cant actually go there click on the picture and go there in your mind
  2. Do deep breathing exercises
  3. Walk
  4. Notice details about the trees, bark, grass, flowers, plants, butterflies, tiny bugs
  5. Listen to nature, birds, buzzing dragon fly, the trickle of water
  6. Smell the dirt, flowers, plants
  7. Breathe, stop from time to time to look at the clouds
  8. Allow your surroundings (nature) to fill you with its "Life force energy"
  9. Find a beautiful tree (ALL trees are beautiful), at HG I highly recommend finding the GENKGO TREE, lean on it, hug it or just touch it, the Ginkgo tree is considered a "living fossil" because it was extinct and reappeared thousands of years later. The Genkgo tree is still considered in danger of extinction. Note: when I touch this tree I feel a very strong "buzzing" feeling in my hands and arms and body if I stay long enough. IF you are energy sensitive you will feel it too, if not then you will just have to take my word. Just know that this is a very good and healing energy as is all nature energy.
  10. Finish your walk, notice the bottoms of your feet as they take each step
  11. This meditation can take 20 minutes to 4 hours. Relax and drink water.

If you walk along the beach, notice the dolphins come in close to shore for "feeding" from between 5pm to about 7pm... More on beach meditation next week ....

Blogger Denise M. said...

I will post my beach walk meditation when Im in a better mind set. Right now Im having alot of trouble with cheating. I need to get a grip here. I dont want to give up! I have to do this! I have to! There is no GIVING UP, its not an option. I have to work on my own meditations for now.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Blogger said...

Just wondewring how you ended up going on optifast, and if the ceasation of your blog is indiciative of the program?

Im starting optifast tomorrow 30/4/2011 over at if there is anyone out there who would like to pop over for support motivation =)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Comment deleted

This post has been removed by the author.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blogger Denise M. said...

Hello Andinanotherlife!
Yes the cessation of my blog is because I stopped the optifast. I was not successful. But now Im going to have the gastric bypass surgery in One Week!! I will be using optifast again for about a month after the surgery. Good luck to you in all that you do. I will continue on this path until I get it right. I want to be a normal weight and active again so I will continue to do all I can. I may transform this blog to include both optifast and bypass items. Love & Peace to you always, Denise

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Optifast Recipes

Please submit your Optifast Recipes here! No food please, just what you can have while on the Optifast shakes and soup only.
This blog is open to all Optifast people now so feel freeee...


Robert said...

I've done very little experimenting myself, trying to stay as close to the central ingredient(s) as possible [that is, just using the packets plus a spice or add-in]. The Optifast is still "replacement," rather than "supplement." I'm okay with this, but look forward to mixing in some solid food (besides fiber). I have not gotten to the point in the program where I'm incorporating other sensible foods, and I'm a bit anxious about keeping this momentum going (and not falling back into old habits).
When I typed in the keywords "Optifast" and "Recipe" weeks ago, there were simple concoctions like various-flavored "floats" using diet soda, frappuccino (with instant coffee), and chicken curry soup (yep- chicken soup plus pinch of curry). Recipes now jumping out of the internet seem more for weight loss maintenance, and focus on keeping a balance of nutrient types. Regular exercise will help burn off the excess calories, and I have more to gain by losing.
I imagine the key for keeping it off will be discipline, as it is now. I have faith in myself, I appreciate the support inside and outside the group, and I am thankful for the opportunity to live with vitality once again.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Blogger Denise M. said...

Robert, Thank You for your post! I added it to the blog page.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blogger nbcteacher said...

I just finished my 6th week on Optifast 800 and I have lost 39 pounds so far. I was up until 3 am last night trying to perfect a cookie recipe using the Optifast shake mix. My final product I find quite delicious--hope you like it:

OptiFast Cookies
¼ cup egg whites (1 large egg)
1 package Optifast shake mix
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
¼ cup Splenda
1 tsp. pumpkin spice
Pam nonstick spray

Preheat oven to 350ยบ F. Place egg whites in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Beat on high speed with an electric mixer or using a whisk until frothy. Add cream of tartar, splenda, and pumpkin spice. Beat on high speed until slightly stiff peaks form. Mix in Optifast shake powder. Spray pam over cookie sheet. Spoon onto cookie sheet using teaspoon and bake for 15 minutes. Makes 1 dozen cookies.
Egg whites add 30 calories, 1 carbohydrate, and 6 grams protein to the Optifast mix.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogger nbcteacher said...

By the way, be sure to use the GRANULATED Splenda--the one that spoons cup for cup like regular sugar and is used for baking.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogger Denise M. said...

Thank you so much nbcteacher, I added your fun recipe to the main page. And Congratulations on your 39 pound loss. I myself have fallen off the wagon but will get back on soon. (((big hug))) to you.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogger nbcteacher said...

Regarding the Optifast Cookies, I found that the Chocolate mix makes the softest, cake-like cookies, whereas the Strawberry mix makes more of a thin, wafer-crisp cookie. I haven't tried it with the Vanilla, but my favorite is the Chocolate. They are VERY filling--I have a hard time eating all 12 cookies.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on optifast and live in Australia. I have these nice soup recipes made with the allowed veggies.

mix one teaspoon of vegeta vegetable broth in water. boil for 1 minute. add 1 teasoon of nandos hot peri peri sauce. add stems of bukchoy (cut into pieces). cook for 2 mins. add finely dices carrots, mushrooms(optional). Add brocolli( really filling- supresses cravings) goodluck

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife is on her second month of Optifast. Lost about 28lbs. so far. She is living on shakes alone for weeks ahead yet,but as her supporting person and Husband, I have to tell you to keep it up, do not surrender to people who want to keep you where they want you. Find someone to support you and have faith in yourself, you can do it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Blogger Denise M. said...

I would like to add that while I was on the optifast program here in So. California at Kaiser, we were not allowed any food at all. Not even veggies. Maybe thats why it was so hard for me. It was only optifast liquid diet. Well off to the next great adventure.... surgery.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thought For The Day


"The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


CliCk On

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day 9 - Strange Inspiration

Hello fellow optifasters.... I have to tell you what Ive been using sense day one for inspiration. Its kind of silly but It has been working for me, so far. I have these Iron 2 pound hand weights. I keep one of them on top of my dresser all the time. Every time I walk by I pick it up to see how heavy it feels. Its heavy feeling. Its only 2 pounds but its a chunk of weight in your hand. When I feel like eating I pick up the weight, not to exercise but to feel how heavy gaining or losing 2 lbs is. Hold something that weights 2 lbs. and see. I'm using 2 lbs cause my head always tells me that "Oh 2 lbs is nothing!" But hold that weight and tell me that's nothing... Its something. So it just keeps me from eating, when the going gets tough. Losing 2 lbs is a big deal, its a big deal if you gain it also. I don't want to gain this 2 lbs back that I'm holding in my hand so I wont eat! OK that's it.... up late couldn't sleep.
Gnite >>--> comments plz!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day 7 - See ya soon

Hello fellow optifasters,
Its day 7 for my class and I'm sure that many of them are feeling like I am today.... somewhat better!
The first 2 days were the most difficult for me. But every day it got much easier. I have moments, I call them waves of wanting to eat, but it passes quickly.
I have a good support group of 3 people. I didn't tell everyone that I was doing this. I just wanted to get started and get going and I feel I am well on my way now. ...... Well.... its 4:30 pm Thurs. I'm on a 15min break from work. I will see you all very soon tonight at the class.... good luck on your weigh in. Please add your thoughts and ideas by clicking on the "comments" link below this post. Thanks.
Peace and blessings, Denise

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 3 - On This Amazing & Difficult Journey

Dear fellow optifasters,

its 2:30 pm Sunday afternoon on this transformational journey that we all are on. I find myself looking for new ways to use my time in a way that is different than what I am used to. For example today I have not turned on the TV once, which is a miracle in and of itself, I watch the news in the morning.

The first and second day of this fast was "H-E-double hockey sticks" for me, to say the least. I wanted to eat all day and all night on both days. It was very very hard not to, and I did take a bite of something on Friday night. Yesterday I had a friend come over to help me empty the rest of the food items out of my house, so now its completely empty except for water and Optifast.

I threw out all take-out menu's too. This I feel will help in my struggle through this first week. I live alone with 2 cats so I feel that I probably have it somewhat easier than some of you do.

I cant help but think of those of you who have other people living in your house who do eat food. Or even those who have children who you have to cook for. I am praying for you and feel for you.

Today (day 3) seems to be somewhat easier for me. I have been reading a book on a subject that I am studying. I am listening to meditation music such as "Shamanic Dreams", "Grace" and "Deva Premal-Dakshina" and from my church "Agape International Spiritual Center" (in Culver City) some "Rikki BB".
To assist in the food-detox process, I just took a Epsom salt bath with a few drops of tea tree oil to clear my skin and energy field of toxins that may be released during this process. It was very refreshing and it was very calming, and it took my mind off the 'food' issue.

May I mention that I am a Reiki Master Practitioner, so I have Reiki to help to assist me in the wonderful process of fasting. I have an office here in Long Beach and do Reiki on clients after work (my day job is in Hospice) and on weekends. But for now I'm only seeing one or two clients so that I can focus on this process of transformation & healing with the Optifast program.

I created this blog because I have only done a liquid fast once before for one week and would like to connect with my classmates to share how you are doing and give tips for getting through the tough spots. And believe me I'm having some tough spots.

I have decided to stay home as much as possible in these first few days. Going out seems to have too much temptation involved in it. I did have to go out at least once or twice each day but haven't gone out with friends etc.... I'm kind of opting out of all social events with friends & family till I feel more confident that I can stick to my "PLAN".

You may or may not ask what is Reiki? I will explain at a later time but essentially it is an ancient form of "Energy Healing". My Reiki Master Teacher is William Lee Rand in case you already know what Reiki is or do Reiki yourself.

Well that's it for now. Next Thursdays meeting I plan to pass out this address so that you all can write and share your experience, strength, hope, thoughts, tips and anything else you feel will help you and or us in this process.

Sending love and light to all of you, Denise Matherly